The HUNNY tokenomics ensure that there will be an abundance of liquidity on PancakeHunny as well as rewards for HUNNY holders committed to the project.
Basic Information
- Token Name: $HUNNY
- Token Symbol: HUNNY
- Pre-Sale Contract Address:
- Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
- Max Supply: Unlimited
Emission Rate
· 1000 $HUNNY / 1 BNB
· 29,000 block / day
· For every 100 $HUNNY minted, 15 $HUNNY will be given to the development team to ensure essential growth of the project
Uncapped supply of $HUNNY tokens, priced at $0.10 per $HUNNY. There will be 0 pre-mined $HUNNY. This is to ensure that we, as the owners of PancakeHunny, will not be dumping on our own creation.
The $HUNNY token doesn’t have a max supply. For every 1 $BNB earned in the performance fees, 1000 $HUNNY is minted. Further strategies may be established for distribution or burn mechanisms in order to keep $HUNNY sustainable, for now, we are focused on the growth of the $HUNNY token. You can earn $HUNNY by using the farms, or you can buy $HUNNY through decentralised exchange like PancakeSwap. Roughly 13% of all $HUNNY mints will go towards development to ensure rapid innovation.
Farming Hives profits from PancakeSwap or PancakeBunny etc., to take 30% (performance fees) of the profits and purchase $HUNNY; of the purchased $HUNNY, 80% will be burned and the remaining 20% will be contributed to the HunnyLottery. This way, $HUNNY price can be sustained or pushed higher, stakers get more profit too.
Liquidity Pool
Upon creating the liquidity pool on PancakeSwap, 2,750,000 $HUNNY and 500 $BNB will be added into the PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool, with an estimated value of $250,000 (we have completed a round of private sales of value $300,000 which will be added and distributed evenly in HUNNY-BNB LP and HUNNY Hive equally, all LP tokens received will be locked away). LP tokens will be issued to users who participated in the pre-sale.
The core HUNNY pool a.k.a HUNNY+ Hive is the main pool whereby users will be rewarded with wBNB for staking $HUNNY. During the pre-sale, we will have received another 500 BNB, issuing 2,750,000 $HUNNY as LP tokens to users.
Burning Mechanism of HUNNY
How HUNNY Supply Is Reduced Without a Hard Cap
The team aims to make deflation higher than emission by building deflationary mechanisms into PancakeHunny’s products. The goal is for more $HUNNY to leave circulation than the amount of $HUNNY that’s produced.
Reducing Block Emissions
By reducing the amount of $HUNNY minted, it slows down inflation. As the price of $HUNNY increases, we can reduce the emission rate. Currently, the emission is at 1000 $HUNNY per 1 $BNB collected and this number would be reduced accordingly. But we don’t want to do this too frequently, too early, for the same reason we don’t want a hard cap: we still need to incentivize people to provide liquidity.
Deflationary Mechanisms
Regular token burns are built into many of PancakeHunny’s products (like 5% of the winnings from each HunnyLottery will be burned), with more on the way.
Farming Hives
Performance fee collected from the rest of the farming hives will be used to buy back $HUNNY in which 80% of $HUNNY will be burned and 20% will go to the HunnyLottery.
Earnings collected via HunnyPlay will be divided into 3 portions; 40% goes to HunnyJar; distributed amongst BumbleBee and HunnyBee, 20% goes to the burning address and the remaining will be used to cover any cost/expenses.
All earnings via HunnyPoker will have a 5% burn on $HUNNY, where 2% goes to the development team; 2% goes to HunnyJar; distributed amongst BumbleBee and HunnyBee and 1% goes to the burning address.
10% of $HUNNY collected from HunnyLottery will be divided into 3 portions; where 3% will go to the development team; 2% goes to HunnyJar, and 5% goes to the burning address.
About PancakeHunny
🍯 PancakeHunny aims to be the most engaging and fun DeFi destination built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). On top of that, we are developing a brand new and unprecedented gamified farming playground ♠️♥️♣️♦️🎰🎲 where every user can enjoy high yields and exciting games at the same time.
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